Friday, March 28, 2008

Second Semester Reviews

Wednesday was the start of second semester reviews. The six first year students in Fiber installed their work in various places throughout the new studios building. Each one of the students worked very hard to complete new pieces and on selecting and installing their work for the reviews. On Thursday each of them met individually with four artists in residence for 30 - 45 minutes. The discussions give the students a chance to see how people outside of fiber relate to their work and the artists in residence evaluate the development of the first year class throughout the campus. This evaluation can lead to a student being asked to leave Cranbrook, if it is determined that they are not performing at a high enough level.
One of the wonderful traditions of the Fiber department is that after the reviews the second year students make dinner for the first years to celebrate the end of the review process. (After fourth semester reviews, which I wrote about earlier, the first years make dinner for the second years.)

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