Sunday, November 2, 2008

A Visit From Amy Honchell

We were lucky to have Amy Honchell pay the Fiber Department a visit for a few days in October. Amy is an artist and teacher based in Chicago at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. She creates site-specific installations using stretch fabric, found objects and sound and has exhibited in many venues around the country. She spent two full days in the department giving individual critiques and candid advice about being an installation artist out in the "real world". She was extremely honest and approachable with a great sense of humor about life, art and herself. She provided us with thoughtful insight into our work, materials and processes. Amy also gave an artist talk in the Media Center at Cranbrook to the Fiber Department, as well as students from Sculpture, Architecture, and Print Media. We then hosted a dinner for her and her husband in the department. It was a casual evening in which we shared stories and experiences about a life in the arts. Amy wrapped up her visit with a question and answer session in which she encouraged us to continually pursue opportunities for showing and teaching. Having graduated with an MFA relatively recently, she offered very useful, pertinent advice. Amy was generous with all of her insight into and knowledge of her own practice, as well as our own individual artistic practices. 

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